/Cardio for Martial Arts !!!

Cardio for Martial Arts !!!

Mixed martial artists are recognized to be high level athletes – trained, disciplined, concentrated and conditioned. Powerful strikes, takedowns, defending submissions, are some elements which can make you out of gas during a round. Tiredness happen even to the best athletes. It can appear physically, mentally, or both. It is completely possible that a fighter is exhaust by a lack of oxygen rather than a muscular tiredness. There are several factors to take into account when you want to become a cardio machine: technique, cardiovascular system, muscular endurance and nutrition.


The technical training in all the aspects of the combat (striking, grappling…) help the fighter to become more at ease when he is found in a certain position. Remember the first time that you practice wrestling or of Jiu-Jistu… For my part, even if I had a very good cardio (in general), I was breathless after a minute. Why? Because I spent much of energy to arrive at my ends without too much knowing what I did.

The technical training will help you to:

  • know when to apply strength
  • know when to rest (positions without danger)
  • use the effect of lever
  • use less energy possible (economy of energy)
  • find an optimal positioning (to limit the useless movements, economy in movement)
  • remain calm, relaxed (even when you are in trouble)
  • improve the approach of fighting (strategy, tactics)

You can optimize the technical training by adding cardio and vice versa.

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Cardiovascular system

The cardiovascular system consist the heart and the vessels. It has as a function to distribute to the bodies (by blood), oxygen and the nutrients, while eliminating waste.

The goal is to absorb the maximum of oxygen in the body. The muscles need oxygen to create energy. In other words, plus your body absorbs of oxygen, more you can do physical exercise without being blown. How to increase the cardiovascular endurance?
By increasing heart rate for one period of time at sufficiently high intervals, one increases the cardiovascular endurance. The training has the cardiovascular endurance in combat must be specific to the sport. There are many resources online to find the trainings which you need. There are many factors to take into account: the time of effort, positions (upright, on the back, the belly…), breathing, etc
Obviously, one involves pas de la even manner to make a marathon only for one combat. The Tabata method was developed in laboratory by professor Izumi Tabata of the National institute of Fitness and the Sports in Japan and was tested successfully on the athletes of the Japanese Olympic team of speed skating. The Tabata method is an intense version of training to high intensity intermittently. The training with high intensity intermittently (HIIT) improves the aerobic and anaerobic capacity considerably.
The more one athlete has a raised VO2 max, the more it can maintain a percentage high this VO2 max in his sport.
The VO2 MAX (maximum oxygen capacity consumed at the time of an effort) is usually expressed in liters of oxygen per minute. The test of Leger or “test shuttle” is a test of realizable ground in gymnasium, which will make it possible to determine a VMA and, by a simple calculation, to give a coarse estimate of VO2max. – Wikipedia
VO2Max = 3.5 × VMA – VO2Max in ml/min/kg, VMA in km/h

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Muscular endurance
Chaque muscles for which you need in combat must be involved and in good condition to be able: To carry out repetitive movements to carry out explosive movements to hold of the positions or the muscles are contracted during an unspecified time. To receive blows and to act like an armour
To increase the muscular endurance fights some, one must have a program of training, specific to martial arts, which aims at developing the important muscles. But do not forget that the technique is largely more important.

Your body takes its energy of food. There is food to privilege before and after the physical-activity in order to maintain a level optimal of energy. A collation rich in glucids 1 hour before the training. After the training, it is suggested eating rich foods in proteins and glucids to fill the tank with the energy reserves and restoring muscle fibres.

List of super food (according to selection.readersdigest.ca): The seeds of shit, rich in proteins and potassiumLes eggs to fill the tank with proteins, of calcium and furls to kéfir, an ally of size for your entraînementsLe millet, rich in magnesium, phosphorus and in protéinesLes bananas contribute to the hydration and recovery, rich in potassiumLes bays of açai to fill the tank with antioxydantsLe salmon, an excellent source of omega-3 and protéinesLes beans: an excellent source of proteins, vitamins and of acid foliqueLes carrots, rich in vitamin A and selenium
Other: Grass juice of wheat, liquid chlorophyl, turmeric