MMA Programs Qualities

There is one principle you need to understand before starting a MMA Program. It is called "Bio-Motor Ability". You need to include the 8 bio-motor abilities in your MMA training. Strength Speed Power Agility Endurance…

Strength :

Strength is, speaking for myself, one of the essential biomotor abilities that you need to improve. You have to exercices the whole system for total body strength. There are some basics to follow in order…

Speed :

5 types of Speed dimensions: 1- Perceptual Speed. Quickness of eye to see openings and to discourage the opponent, confusing him and slowing him down. 2- Mental Speed. Quickness of mind to select the right…

Power :

A powerful athlete is not necessarily a strong athlete, but one who can exert his strength quickly. If Power = Force X Speed, fighters have to learns to make faster movements, increasing his power. A…

Agility :

Agility is the hability to change the position of your body. It requires a combinaison of balance, coordination, reflex and strength. You can see it as time response. Precision is an important element when…

Endurance :

Endurance describes the adaptation of the body at the level of motor basic functions, energy transformation, substrate supply and also of mental stability. It can also be characterised as metabolism, breathing and cardiovascular behaviour. Basic…

Coordination :

Coordination is one of the most important thing to study in the world of sports and athletics. It is the quality wich enables the individual to integrate all the powers and capacities of his whole…

Flexibility :

4 Types of Flerxibility SFL   = Static Flexibility  "Static flexibility is the range of possible movement around a joint and it's surrounding muscles and tissues during a passive movement" ( a partner, gravity or…

Balance :

Balance is achieved through correct body alignment. Without balance (at all times), you can never be effective. Every part of your body is important to create and maintain a balanced position. The secret of a…